BBB Accreditation
A BBB Accredited Business since 4/11/2004
BBB has determined that La Voz de Indiana, Inc. meets BBB accreditation standards, which include a commitment to make a good faith effort to resolve any consumer complaints. BBB Accredited Businesses pay a fee for accreditation review/monitoring and for support of BBB services to the public
Kroger Honors 81 Outstanding Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Businesses
The Kroger Co. (NYSE: KR) today honored 81 outstanding minority-owned and women-owned vendors for 2004. The Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (M/WBEs) were nominated by corporate and division buyers and merchandisers. The honorees were selected for the second annual award based on several criteria, including quality of product or service, innovation and presentation of new ideas, performance, and sales volume. The firms fall into two categories: those that provide retail products or services for sale in Kroger's stores, and not-for- resale products and service. In 2004, Kroger spent approximately $780 million with M/WBEs. Established more than 25 years ago, Kroger's supplier diversity program helps M/WBEs analyze their business capabilities to determine whether their products or services fit within Kroger's corporate strategies and the market as a whole.
the annual Hispanic Heritage Fiesta presented in partnership with La Voz de Indiana!
At Hispanic Heritage Fiesta you can kick off National Hispanic Heritage Month with a trip to the Zoo for the annual Hispanic Heritage Fiesta presented in partnership with La Voz de Indiana! Celebrate the culture and traditions of Latin America through a variety of special afternoon activities fit for the whole family! National Hispanic Heritage Month officially begins Sept. 15 each year — the anniversary of independence for the Latin American countries of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. During our celebration, our guests will enjoy festive decorations, activities, Latin-inspired food and more! Create culturally themed crafts and take a swing at a piñata every hour. Great live music will be in the plaza. And, the Zoo will also spotlight animals native to Latin American countries, and guests who follow the scavenger hunt clues to find all the animals will receive a special gift.
I’ve personally been involved with one of HBC’s initiatives, and I am pleased to report that experience has been extremely rewarding. The Hispanic Business Council’s Mentor-Protégé Program is designed to develop and grow three to five Hispanic-owned businesses each year for a three-year period. IBJ Media has been a mentor to La Voz de Indiana bilingual newspaper since mid-2008. I value the relationships I’ve built working with Liliana Hamnik-Parodi and José Gonzalez-Parodi of La Voz de Indianathe past two years.
WKW Celebrates Holiday Season with La Voz de Indiana -
For the fourth consecutive year, WKW has sponsored La Voz de Indiana’s Holiday Party. La Voz was able to help 15 families in need with food and gifts for the holiday season. The holiday party took place on Friday, December 14, 2012. WKW attorney, Chris Stevenson attended the party and accepted a certificate of appreciation from José González and Liliana Hamnik. La Voz de Indiana is Indiana’s only statewide bilingual newspaper. La Voz de Indiana was founded in 1998 on the idea to educate and inform the state’s growing Latin-American Community and establish a reputation of being a trusted liaison - See more at: http://www.wkw.com/firm-news-and-alerts/wkw-celebrates-holiday-season-with-la-voz-de-indiana/#sthash.m3uyUI4q.dpuf
Center To Launch Spanish-Language Outreach With Financial Support from SBC Foundation
“SBC's grant is not just an investment in the Center on Congress; it is an investment in expanding the resources available to the Hispanic community,” said Liliana Hamnik, president of La Voz de Indiana, the state's leading bilingual newspaper. “I am glad to see this kind of support continuing to flow into our community.”
The new Web site will complement the Center's existing English online educational resources.
總裁麗麗安娜‧哈姆尼克女士(Liliana Hamnik)和夫婿(攝影:陸查理/大紀元)
印第安納州少數族裔最大的報紙《印第安納拉瓦茲德報》(La VozDe Indiana Newspaper)總裁麗麗安娜‧哈姆尼克女士(Liliana Hamnik)和丈夫報社副總裁郝賽‧甘薩雷斯先生(Jose Gonzalez)在接受採訪時不停的表示「太精彩了,精彩的令人窒息」。哈姆尼克女士還特別表示要專門為神韻寫一篇全版觀後感,與所有的讀者分享神韻演出的精彩。